Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Muskegon River Steelhead Fishing Charters

Rain, Rain, Rain and the Muskegon River is very high, the last update I checked at 11:45 am was 7,940 cfs!!! It is adviseable to stay off the river unless you know what you are doing, if you fish please be very careful, there were full trees rolling down the river today we even saw a dock floating past that the water ripped off the bank!  On the fishing side of things backbouncing spawn was exceptional in the very high and rising water today.  Pat joined me for a half day trip and by the time we quit at noon we were just shy of 20 fish hooked!!!  There was a mix of dropbacks and fish that still have not begun to spawn, the few hens Pat kept were still tight in skein which is the only thing that will save us from having a bunch of empty spawning gravel when this water receeds, hopefully.  I am sure the dropbacks will take the free ride back to Lake Michigan because they may not have the energy to hold in this current.  Time will tell how long things will last for our Spring Steelhead season on the Muskegon River.  Pat is pictured below with a few of the pre spawn hens from this morning.
4/27/2011  Chrome Muskegon River Steelhead.
4/27/2011  Muskegon River Fishing Charters.
4/27/2011  A nice hen from this morning.

4/27/2011  Pat with a nice chrome hen.


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