Deb and Jim had a great day on the Muskegon River with double digits to the net on a half day!! The river is in great shape at 2,300 cfs. and still holding great color at around 4 feet of visibility. Most of the fish we are catching are colored up winter holdovers but we are in the middle of February so the first pushes of spring Steelhead are not far off. Boat traffic is minimal to non-existent depending on the day and section of river fished, if you want to take advantage of some great winter Steelhead fishing and don't like to share the water with other boats now is the time. For those who are waiting for Spring dates are booking for March and April so book early to get the dates you want. Call or e-mail for more info or to book a Steelhead trip.
2/13/2013 Deb with a healthy hen from a productive half day on the Muskegon. |
2/13/2013 Jim with a great looking buck, fishing was great today. |
2/13/2013 Plenty of colored up fish like this one around. |
2/13/2013 Jim with a Winter buck that fought well in the cold water. |