Steelhead fishing on the Muskegon River has been very good since last week's spike in water level. The river is still holding at a nice level and water temp is in the low to mid 30's. There are a good number of newer Spring Steelhead in the system along with the Winter holdovers. Expect fishing to stay fairly consistent from here on thru Spring especially with another good thaw.
Fished a half day with Ed today and had no problem getting well into double digits before noon, the fish were biting more aggressively than I have seen since fall. Now is the time to get out before the crowds of Spring show up. Call (616)204-4999 to reserve your date.
2/27/2011 New Spring Steelhead are on the move. |
2/27/2011 Ed with a bright chrome Steelhead from the Muskegon River. |
2/27/2011 Double digits before noon, I love Winter Steelhead Fishing!! |
2/27/2011 Ed with a bright buck Steelhead. |
2/27/2011 Ed with a hefty Muskegon River Spring Steelhead. |
2/27/2011 A nice colored buck Steelhead.