Thursday, September 17, 2015

Michigan King Salmon.

It's good to be back home and catching Kings on Michigan rivers.  The fishing is not red hot but there are some fish willing to bite.  Water temp is a bit high so some cooler weather will be welcome.  here are a few fish from my first two days back home from Alaska.

9/17/2015  Jim with a nice King in the heat of the day.

9/17/2015  Mark with one that couldn't resist a crankbait.

9/16/2015  The crankbait bite was decent in the morning.

9/16/2015  Fritz scores a good fish.


Alaska 2015

Had a great season in Alaska.  The weather and fishing were outstanding and the summer seemed to go by too quickly.  I am back in Michigan chasing Salmon around the rivers hoping for cooler weather.

Teaching her cubs how to fish on Moraine Creek.

A tundra fire along the Togiak River.

A great Rainbow I caught on a day off.

The trout were healthy.

A Coho taking on some color.

Tiarna with a good Rainbow.

Kvichak River Rainbows remind me of Steelhead!!