There are good numbers of King Salmon in both the Manistee and Pere Marquette Rivers and I have been splitting my time between the two. Fishing has been pretty consistent for us with a decent amount of hookups every day float fishing and casting hardware, the biggest variable is how many of those fish make it to the net before they find wood to bury themselves in. After a good rain a few days back and these cooler night time temps we should see another good shot of fish from the lake. Anyone looking to get out this fall for Salmon on the Manistee, Pere Marquette or Muskegon River should call now for one of the few openings I still have.
Open dates for Salmon are September 25 and 29. October 8
It's also time to finish off the fall Steelhead bookings and here's what I have left. November 24, 26, 28 and 30.
I have other guides with openings as well so don't hesitate to call just because the day you want is not listed above.
Here are a few pictures from this past week.
Tom with a Manistee River King caught float fishing. |
Pete with a skein eater on the PM. |
Ed getting it done on the Manistee. |
Stu with a crank bait biter on the Pere Marquette. |
Brian with a Manistee hen. |
Gerald had to work this fish out of a mess of logs on the PM. |
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