Saturday, March 15, 2014

Michigan Steelhead

Not much has changed on the river, fishing is still pretty good.  The water did drop to around 1,500 cfs. and the boat traffic has increased.  Water temp has been climbing into the mid 30's from the near freezing mark on warmer days but today it was 35 at the start.  Lets hope that is enough to keep tomorrow's frigid morning forecast from turning the river to slush.  Took the day off to fish with good friend  Dan, who I have guided with in Alaska since 2003 and fishing was great, today Brandon and Shannon were out with me for the morning and we had a pretty good bite going.  Space on my calendar is limited to mostly afternoon half days which are a great choice in April with longer daylight hours, I do have a few days available in May as well.  Here are a couple pictures from the last two days.

Shannon with a nice colored up buck that fell victim to a Mag Lip.

3/15/2014  Brandon with one of his fish from today.

3/15/2014  Sunshine and Steelhead, it's hard to beat it.

3/15/2014  He's smiling on the inside.

3/14/2014  A great Lake Run Brown Trout for your's truly.

3/14/2014  Dan lovin on those fat girls.

3/14/2014  A nice double digit buck that gave me a whoopin.

3/14/2014  We had a fun day on the Muskegon River.

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